Changes to the Family Procedure Rules introduced at the end of April have been adopted to encourage individuals to utilise alternative means to resolve Family Law disputes, rather than litigating through the courts.
Charlotte Hirst, a paralegal at Staffordshire Family Law Solicitors explains: “For some time, there has been a requirement on people to attend a “Mediation Information Assessment Meeting” (known as a MIAM) prior to issuing an application to the court, to consider...
Moving in together – consider a cohabitation agreement
If you have recently moved in together or are currently considering it, there are a few legal facts worth understanding so that you make the right decisions to protect you, your assets and your family in the future. Anyone who is not married but living together with...
Will Proposed Law Reform Mark a New Era for Financial Remedy Cases?
With 50-year-old matrimonial laws currently being reviewed, we look at what the future holds for the resolution of financial matters arising from divorce. Why is there a proposed reform? With financial matters of divorcing couples being governed by the dated...
Awareness Week – Vision For Family Justice
This year, to celebrate its 40th Anniversary, Resolution, an organisation of Family Lawyers who prescribe to a non confrontational approach to resolving family disputes, are using Awareness Week to launch its Vision for Family Justice. This focuses particularly on...
Why Is No-One Listening To My Child?
In cases where there is a dispute about the arrangements for the child(ren) of the family, whether upon divorce or separation, sometimes the adult disputes take over from a clear focus on the child(ren) involved and who sadly are firmly at the centre of the...
Children ‘left in limbo’ waiting for Family Court decisions, warns Law Society President
With the back log since Covid-19 still impacting the daily lives of all individuals today, the Law Society of England and Wales has highlighted the unacceptable backlog that our Family Courts are facing. Sydney Edwards, Trainee Solicitor at Staffordshire Family Law...
Advancements in technology, the emergence of A.I. and its place in Family Law
With the technological world developing more rapidly than ever before, we look at how advancements have impacted the delivery of Family Law services over recent years, the benefits this has brought to our clients, and what the future holds for our industry. Fay...
Dividing assets after separation – what are the options?
Whether or not a separation is your idea, you should know your rights and understand what the best options are for the division of property. Ideally, agreement on what will happen to your property, belongings and money will be reached, without the need for costly...
Understanding Spousal Maintenance
If you are going through a divorce, you may understandably be worried about what happens next and what the financial implications are for you going forward. This article will help you understand the issue of spousal maintenance, but is no substitute for getting the...
Children and family separation – fathers’ rights explained
Family breakups can be distressing times for all involved. The press frequently reports on situations turning ugly, being unfair and too often suggest there is a difference between the rights of a father and mother in raising and seeing their children. Many parents in...